The 2015-2016 Lodge Officers were installed in a ceremony in the Lodge on Saturday afternoon.


This year, Bob Cramer moved up from Loyal to Leading Knight and Chris Bellingham moved from Chaplain to Esquire.

Two new members joined the ranks: John Piddock filled the Loyal Knight chair vacated by Bob Cramer, and John Colgan joined the board as a Trustee.

The 2015-2016 officers are as follows:

  • Esteemed Leading Knight: Bob Cramer
  • Esteemed Loyal Knight: John Piddock
  • Esteemed Lecturing Knight: Ida Leiser
  • Secretary: Jerry Shook
  • Treasurer: Joe Laviano
  • Tiler: Larry Knott
  • Trustee: John Colgan
  • Esquire: Chris Bellingham

At the end of the ceremony, the following awards were made:

  • Officer of the year: Bob Cramer
  • Elk of the year: Charlie Davis
  • Bartender of the year: Alisha Siligato

Congratulations to you all!

Rear, L to R: Trustee John Colgan, PER Chris Akers, Trustee Richard Fisher, Leading Knight Bob Cramer, Loyal Knight John Piddock, Tiler Larry Knott, Secretary Jerry Shook.

Front, L to R: Treasurer Joe Laviano, PDD Leo Buell, PDD Chuck Cotsonas, PDD Steve Race, Lecturing Knight Ida Leiser, Esquire Chris Bellingham.