On Sunday, February 10th, members of the PERs Association initiated six new members into the Kinderhook Elks.
Front L-R: new members Catherine Dwyer, Parker Hammond, James Daley, PER Joel Dyslin, new members Lisa Caprone, Julian Caprone, Mike Jang, PER John Piddock.
Rear L-R: Tiler Larry Knott, PER Joe Laviano, Esquire John Deane, Chaplain Sharon Deck, Leading Knight Annie Leiser, PDD Leo Buell, DD Chris Akers, Loyal Knight Chris Bellingham, Trustee Tom Miglio, PER Frank Maston, Trustee John Sundwall, Trustee Chairman Ben Lasher, PER John Utley, Inner Guard Rick LaCrosse, PDD Steve Race, Lecturing Knight Larry Eleby.