Officer Installation was followed by dinner and awards ceremony. PER Frank Masten prepared his famous meatloaf for dinner.
The awards presented were as follows:
- Kinderhook Lodge – Grand Lodge Exalted Ruler Special Citation
- Richard Fisher – Grand Lodge Exalted Ruler Citation
- Leo Buell, PDD – Grand Lodge Exalted Ruler Citation
- Anne Leiser – Officer of the Year
- Ida Leiser – Elk of the Year
Lodge Officers for 2018-19: Exalted Ruler John Piddock PER, Leading Knight Annie Leiser, Loyal Knight Chris Bellingham, Lecturing Knight Larry Eleby, Esquire John Deane, Chaplain Sharon Deck, Inner Guard Rick LaCrosse, Tiler Larry Knott, Secretary Jerry Shook PSP, Treasurer Joe Laviano PER, Board Chair Chris Akers PSVP, Directors Richard Fisher, Tom Miglio, Ben Lasher and John Sundwall.
Thanks to the following PERs for installing the new officers: State Trustee Steve Race, PDD Leo Buell, PER Buster Esposito, PER Frank Maston and PER John Utley.