On Sunday, June 11th, the officers, members, and area families participated in our annual Flag Day Ceremony. Everyone received Flag Pins, and were treated to Jim Yager's reading of the Flag History, and PSP and Secretary Jerry Shook's response.
Larry Eleby gave the oration, .while Tiler Larry Knott, Inner Guard Jeanne Engel, PER and Lecturing Knight Leo Buell, Loyal Knight Chris Bellingham, Leading Knight John Colgan, PER and Esquire Joel Dyslin, ER John Piddock, PER and Treasurer Joe Laviano, and PSVP Chaplain Chris Akers, masterfully, covered the bases.
Dara Martin, Abby Shook, and Ida Leiser provided refreshments, and Organist John Deane provided musical accompaniment. The 40 attendees were evenly divided between members and guests. Thanks to all who contributed to the success of this year's Flag Day Ceremony.