Installation of officers for the 2017-18 year took place on Saturday, April 1st. The event was packed with close to 100 members and guests attending.


The ER's chair was taken by John Piddock, who became the first 'new' ER in 10 years. John Colgan and Chris Bellingham advanced to Leading and Loyal Knight respectively. Annie Leiser stepped up to become Lecturing Knight and Rick LaCrosse was installed as Inner Guard. The remaining chairs were filled by last year's officers. Chairman of the board of directors changed hands from Ken Withkowski to Chris Akers PER.

The 2017 officers are:

  • Exalted Ruler – John Piddock
  • Esteemed Leading Knight – John Colgan
  • Esteemed Loyal Knight - Chris Bellingham
  • Esteemed Lecturing Knight – Annie Leiser
  • Esquire – John Deane
  • Chaplain – Sharon Deck
  • Inner Guard – Rick LaCrosse
  • Tiler - Larry Knott
  • Treasurer - Joe Laviano, PER
  • Secretary - Jerry Shook, PSP
  • Trustee– Chris Akers, PER chairman)
  • Trustee – Ken Withkowski
  • Trustee – Tom Miglio
  • Trustee – Rich Fisher
  • Trustee – Ben McEwan

After the Installation there was a banquet with the following awards presented for the 2016-2017 Lodge year.

Elk of the Year: House Committee Chairman Dave Travis
Grand Exalted Ruler Awards: Lodge Secretary Jerry Shook PSP, and Chaplain Sharon Deck
Officer of the Year: Larry Knott

House Committee Chairman Dave Travis also passed out two awards:

Bartender of the year: Sharon Deck
Co-Bartender: Joel Dyslin



photo by Jim Yager

Rear L to R: Leo Buell PDD, John Utley PER, Leo Dyslin PER, Treasurer Joe Laviano PER, Trustee Tom Miglio, Buster Esposita PDD, Chris Akers PSVP, Frank Masten PER, Trustee Richard Fisher, Secretary Jerry Shook PSP, Steve Race PDD.

Front L ro R: Chaplain Sharon Deck, Leading Knight John Colgan, ER John Piddock, Lecturing Knight Annie Leiser, Tiler Larry Knott, Inner Guard Rick LaCrosse, Esquire John Deane.