On Saturday afternoon two new members were initiated into the Kinderhook Elks. This was the first initiation of the year and was performed by past exalted rulers. We were very honored to have, as guests, our District Deputy, along with the ER, Chaplain, and one other member of the Rensselaer Lodge.
A third candidate for initiation into the Kinderhook Elks, Michael Weldon, was not able to attend but is scheduled to be initiated at a district-wide initiation at Rensselaer Lodge in March.
New members are:
- Heather Samascott
- John Thoresen
Officers performing the initiation ritual:
- Exalted Ruler: Leo Buell, PDD
- Leading Knight: Frank Masten, PER
- Loyal Knight: Joel Dyslin, PER
- Lecturing Knight: Chris Bellingham
- Esquire: Steve Race PDD
- Chaplain: Chris Akers, PER, SVP
- Inner Guard: Chuck Cotsonas, PER
- Tiler: Larry Knott
Front: Lecturing Knight Chris Bellingham, Chaplain Sharon Deck, Joel Dyslin PER, Leo Buell PDD, District Deputy Larry Rowse, State Vice President Chris Akers, Exalted Ruler Steve Race PER.
Rear: Leading Knight John Piddock, Secretary Jerry Shook PSP, Chuck Cotsonas PER, new members John Thoresen and Heather Samascott, Frank Masten PER, Inner Guard Jean Engel, Trustee Richard Fisher, Tiler Larry Knott.