Happy New Year to my Kinderhook Elks family and friends,
It seems sometimes in the moment of life things just drag on, but then, when the year is over, we amazingly say to ourselves "The year flew by, wow! how fast the year has passed." Believe me I know I say the same things. Life is a constant change, which makes it unique, challenging, exciting, enjoyable, frustrating, and the list goes on. We have one life and we decide what we do with that life. As members of the Elks, we put our best foot forward for the betterment of ourselves, the Lodge, Elkdom in general, Veterans, children and our community. This Lodge has done some amazing things over the years, every year we do good but when you look at the big picture this Lodge has donated over 15 million dollars to benefit our community since we were chartered. That is HUGE and something to be very proud of because you have been part of that. I want to thank you on behalf of the Lodge and the community, every person is a part of the big picture, a machine that every nut and bolt matter, so you matter, you mean so much more than you will ever realize. Take pride in that feeling.
It's New Year's, 2025!!! and the officers wish to extend to you their wishes for a wonderful adventurous new year. The world is what you make of it, same goes for the Lodge. There have been many amazing events that have happened which has brought members closer as a unit. Ideas that turned into events that were loved by many. Thinking outside of the box sometimes is the best thought, so keep them coming. It is so nice to hear amazing comments from members and the community about this event or that event and how great they were. So hats off to all that have helped move the Lodge forward in a positive direction.
I've decided to do something different this year for awards. I will be putting a box on the table at the lodge, I want to know who you think should be Elk of the year, citizen of the year and of course officer of the year, and I want to know why you think so. So please help me out and voice your opinion. Thank you. I will also have the new poster up if you would like to nominate someone for an officer position or if you yourself are interested in helping move the Lodge forward. Short and sweet this month!! Thank you for everything you do for the Lodge and the community we serve. You matter!!