The Lodge room was packed to capacity with members, their family and their friends for this year's installation of officers. The ceremony began at 3:30pm and lasted about 45 minutes.
Sadly, last year's Leading Knight, Bob Cramer, moved out of the area so the ER's chair is occupied by PER Steve Race. John Piddock, John Colgan and Chris Bellingham all moved up to the next chair and we welcome Sharon Deck to the role of Chaplain. John Deane, a man of exceptional talent, is simultaneously the Lodge Esquire and the Organist.
The 2016 officers are:
- Exalted Ruler – Steve Race PDD
- Esteemed Leading Knight – John Piddock
- Esteemed Loyal Knight - John Colgan
- Esteemed Lecturing Knight – Chris Bellingham
- Esquire – John Deane
- Chaplain – Sharon Deck
- Inner Guard – Robert Hawver
- Tiler - Larry Knott
- Treasurer - Joe Laviano, PER
- Secretary - Jerry Shook, PSP
- Trustee – Ken Withkowski (chairman)
- Trustee – Tom Miglio
- Trustee – Rich Fisher
- Trustee – Ben McEwan
- Trustee – Chris Akers PER
After the installation ceremony we were treated to a first class prime rib dinner and hand-made desserts prepared by Lodge members. Towards the end of dinner the previous year was summarized by Ken Withkowski, chairman of the board of directors and Dave Travis, chairman of the house committee.
Chris Akers, the outgoing ER, thanked the kitchen crew and presented the Elk of the Year award to John Deane and Officer of the Year to Chris Bellingham. Alisha Siligato was presented with the Grand Exalted Ruler’s “Outstanding Service Commendation” and the Grand Exalted Ruler’s “Making A Difference Special Citation” to the Kinderhook Lodge of Elks #2530. Sharon Andross was awarded Bartender of the year.
Back row: PER John Utley, Ken Withkowski, PER Joel Dyslin, PDD Carman Esposita, PER Chris Akers, Larry Knott, Tom Miglio, Bob (Whiskers) Hawver, Richard Fisher
Front row: PER Joe Laviano, Sharon Deck, John Colgan, PER Frank Maston, PDD Steve Race, PDD Leo Buell, Chris Bellingham, John Deane.